Thursday, December 27, 2007


what's interesting is the support from the comments. All is well in theory but if used to substitute care or if expectations and responsibilities are not clear there could be tears.

Charity supports dementia tagging

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


sobering data from IMS.

The LTC and hospital culture that needs reforming. Medical and nursing staff need to know that neuroleptics don't work very well and are probably not safe. There are other safer interventions. Antipsychotics can be very useful in some patients ie psychoses and actual violent behaviour and that's really it......

A CBC News investigation into the increasing use of atypical anti-psychotics among the elderly

Monday, December 17, 2007


not sure if I agree with his proposal to use benzodiazepines over neuroleptics in the eldery especially, surely a non-pharm approach is the ideal.......

Why are doctors still prescribing neuroleptics?

Monday, December 10, 2007


Great variation in prescribing rates reported in this article 21% to 70%. Costly drugs of uncertain efficacy with potential harm. A metaphor for the so-called medical model that treats all dementia patients in the same fashion.

Nursing Homes Often Medicate Residents Without Psychosis

20 years on

OBRA 20 years later
An excellent resource from the Kaiser Family Foundation

New Resources and Briefing Explore Nursing Home Reform Twenty Years After Passage of Landmark Law

facility size

smaller is better. In this case a care centre in Nova Scotia wants to build smaller house or pods with a 10-15% increase in operating costs. The model is based on one of Evergreen's facilties in Oshkosh Wisconsin.

Smaller units the focus of new nursing home