Monday, July 31, 2006


The fall out from the Panorama special continues. In this article from yesterdays Observer a new model of funding is proposed which will guarantee minimum levels of care. In the UK today it costs families 24,000 GBP for a year of care, the same as school fees at Eton College.

Growing concern over provision of long-term care sparks campaign

Friday, July 28, 2006

nursing home acquired pneumonia

A recent update on treatment options from Dr Mylotte


Pressure mounts in UK for changes to LTC

Lack of clarity around medical vs social need in chronic care.

Pressure on for long term care rule rejig

heat related nursing home deaths

+30 temperatures in Europe claim the lives of 3 LTC residents in Amsterdam

Heat blamed in deaths of three nursing home residents

Monday, July 24, 2006

A sign of things to come?

A western Mantiban nursing home has been forced to transfer 10 residents due to staffing shortages to other facilities. At one stage recently there was 7 unfilled shifts at the 50 bed personal care home in the town of Virden in the Assiniboine Regional Health Authority

Staff shortage forces nursing home residents to move

The cost of LTC

A nice summary of the cost burden on individuals requiring LTC in the UK

Families’ fees nightmare is likely to be very long-term

Friday, July 21, 2006

Med errors

The Institute of Medicine's latest missive on medication errors

Medication Errors Injure 1.5 million Americans a Year

Singapore readiness exercises

Nursing homes and hospitals prepare for pandemic influenza in Singapore. This story describes how one nursing home ( Lions Home for the Elders at Toa Payoh Rise)is using role playing to teach residents staff and families.

Nursing Home does it with role playing

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Access to care for immigrant families

A recent study in BC has revealed issues with immigrant communities and care of the elderly. Assumptions regarding care within families are often erroneous with more families unable to care for their own at home. Care providers need to better understand what the current norms are and how to overcome barriers to care for these families. Misunderstandings on both sides abound with the patient in the middle of it all.

Barriers to Access to Care for Ethnic Minority Seniors

There are many reasons for their lack of understanding of the system
-their recent arrival in BC,
-lack of communication between family physicians and the health
-inability to find a family physician who speaks their language,
-lack of knowledge about the availability of interpreters,
-scarcity of interpretation services and translated materials,
-insufficient English language skills to use the telephone or public
-reliance on family members for transportation and interpretation,
-restrictions on movement outside the home due to childcare
responsibilities and/or cultural mores, and
-lack of access to the internet.


Palliative care or mercy killing? The attorney general of Louisiana has charged Dr Pou and her nurse colleagues with murder.

Louisiana Doctor Said to Have Faced Chaos

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Caregivers and gender

Genworth Financial in the US reports on LTC yesterday. They state that women have a 60% greater chance of entering LTC and that women experience significant financial hardships in their roles as unpaid caregivers. With the first of America's 77 million bababy boomers turning 60 this year there is a need to consider LTC and wellness. Key findings include estimates of 23 million unpaid caregivers ( 70% of whom are women) , 19% of caregivers provide 'constant care' of at least 40 hours a week ( of those 80% are women) and women aged 65 and older have a 44% chance of entering a nursing home compared to 27% of men.

Women Bear Greater Share of Long Term Care Risks and Costs According to Genworth Financial Study

Monday, July 03, 2006

Transfers to hospital

Could be cut by a third?? Article in todays Boston Globe

Nursing Homes seed deficient on basic care